mercredi 24 juillet 2013


So when I said that I was going to try to start blogging again I said that I would give an update on the changes in my life.   So here is my attempt.

When I started blogging (the first time) I was living in France with my wife and working on a postdoc.  Now my postdoc has finished and I have moved onto my next postdoc.  I am currently working in upstate New York, while my wife is working in on a postdoc in the Netherlands.  So I am back in the US, which is a nice change (though I did love living in Europe).  However, I miss my wife deeply and traveling back and forth from the EU to the US is getting a bit tiring.  Especially when sick.

Before someone asks we chose to do the long distance thing because these both happen to be really good postdocs that will help both of us find a permanent position (hopefully today) when we are done.  So by being apart we will ultimately be together in a permanent location.  

I can't wait until it is over.
So this is an awesome ad for Mathematica I saw on the MathWorld website.

I give the ad people 5 points for the idea, and 10 points implementation.  However, I will have to retract 10 points for  comparing the creator of Mathematica, and their boss, to the  Sauron.

samedi 20 juillet 2013

Preventing Jetlag

I have found a way to prevent jetlag.  I am going to be rich!! 

Unfortunately, the cure is worse than the disease.  Seeing as how the cure is in fact a disease.  I had a several head cold this last week when I flew back from Europe.  I haven't felt jetlag and have gone to bed on time and woken up at my normal NY time.  It is quite amazing. 

Of course, the consequences were that I got my wife sick right before leaving (GUILT!), had congested sinuses over the flight (pressure changes suck), used 6 packs of those mini-Kleenexes and like 4-5 handfuls of Kleenexes from the plane bathroom, probably got other people on the planes sick (GUILT!), generally felt like crap, and probably extended the length of my cold by a couple days.

So I guess I am not going to be rich.  Sigh. 

samedi 6 juillet 2013

I'm back?

Hi Everyone,

Recently, a good friend of mine moved to Scotland (and will be working in Antarctica before long) and has started a blog about her experiences.   In one of her recent posts she referred to my blog about living in France and put a little dig in about how "His wife's blog is a little more up-to-date."  So I figure that was encouragement for me to start again.  I even have a few ideas on the next few posts (including an update on the current strange land(s) I am occupying).  So if anyone is still reading I will try to restart this whole blagosphere thingy.