vendredi 14 octobre 2011

impossible to please

So in the past I have done lots of complaining about having a hard time with the language in France and how some people don't do anything to make it easier to communicate regularly.  Well, I should also be honest and say that there I think I would be frustrated no matter what.  In the last couple weeks I have noticed that when I  go to lunch with my co-workers and have a hard time understanding french in the loud cafeteria (and to be honest I have been working really hard and been stressed so I am usually really tired at lunch so I don't try that hard (recently- before the last three weeks this is not true)) and I get frustrated, but when someone switches to english to speak to me after i speak french to them I feel like they are saying that my French isn't good enough.  Which might or might not be true in some circumstances.  However I know in some cases that this is not true.  A nice older lady asked for help picking avocados at the store on monday and I tried to help but when she heard my French she switched to English - I think this was just her being polite and trying to practice her English.  So it seems that the french are damned if they do and damned if they don't in my book - sigh.

Of course then there are a few people who go out of there way to speak slowly to me in French and are patient when I screw up.  These in particular are the people that make learning French and living in France fun and worthwhile.  So I don't know what the point of this post was but there it is.

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